Wollyroots Signature Script fonts from Maulana Creative - (skpel)

Wollyroots Signature Script
Wollyroots Signature Script Wollyroots Signature Script Wollyroots Signature Script

Wollyroots is fancy signature font, with clean felt tip stroke and fun character.  It has Opentype features of ligatures character, To give you an extra creative work. Wollyroots signature font support multilingual more than 100+ language. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, a short text even a long text letter and good for your secondary text font with sans or serif. Make a stunning work with Wollyroots signature font. 

Font Include:
- Wollyroots (OTF)
- Wollyroots (TTF)


Wollyroots Signature Script Download NowView Gallery

Losthouse Fancy Script fonts from Maulana Creative - (kwhee)

Losthouse Fancy Script
Losthouse Fancy Script Losthouse Fancy Script Losthouse Fancy Script

Losthouse is fancy script font, with clean felt tip stroke and fun character.  It has Opentype features of ligatures character, To give you an extra creative work. Losthouse script font support multilingual more than 100+ language. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, a short text even a long text letter and good for your secondary text font with sans or serif. Make a stunning work with Losthouse script font. 

Font Include:
- Losthouse (OTF)
- Losthouse (TTF)


Losthouse Fancy Script Download NowView Gallery

Rich and Famous fonts from NJ Studio - (xesfk)

Rich and Famous
Rich and Famous Rich and FamousRich and Famous

Hi...Thank for your visit :)

Rich and Famous a modern script font with beginning and ending swash. It features ligatures characters that will take your projects to the next level!

This font is PUA code which means you can easily access all the glyphs and swash that are full of authentic! It also features many special features including glyphs. font designs that are made for various vector designs, printing such as digital wedding blogs, online shops, social media, while printing can be used in the field of product clothing, accessories, bags, pins, logos, business cards, watermarks and many others ...

so it can make your product look authentic and attractive, and also Multilingual support!!!

File :

- Rich and Famous TTF

- Rich and Famous OTF

Happy design ...

Hello Dear Script fonts from Beck McCormick - (flzod)

Hello Dear Script
Hello Dear Script Hello Dear ScriptHello Dear Script

Introducing Hello Dear Script, a feminine cursive font.  This stylish font features a messy, casual look and includes a full set of lowercase alternates and some common double letter ligatures.

Hello Dear Script is best for:

- logos + branding
- website design + website accents - think design blogs, travel blogs, fashion blogs, & more
- clean print design, like magazines + flyers
- header elements that need handwritten touch
- quote graphics for social media

Hello Dear includes:

- full upper + lowercase characters
- numbers + punctuation
- Western European Language Support
- 26 lowercase alternates
- 21 ligatures - ar, bb, cc, cr, dr, ee, er, ff, gg, ir, ll, mm, nn, oo, or, pp, rr, ss, tr, tt, ur
- PUA-encoding
- .otf, .ttf, and webfont files

Hello Dear ScriptDownload NowView Gallery

Teraaz - Arabic Typeface fonts from Arabic Font Store - (ypgiw)

Teraaz - Arabic Typeface
Teraaz - Arabic Typeface Teraaz - Arabic TypefaceTeraaz - Arabic Typeface

Teraaz (which is the Arabic word for Style) is an Arabic display font that features a unique letterform structure. The design is based on a hybrid between various writing styles of Arabic such as Kufi, Maghrebi and Naskh. Teraaz typeface consists of two weights (Regular and Bold) and it is suitable for web, print and mobile applications.

Teraaz - Arabic TypefaceDownload NowView Gallery

Minthe - Serif fonts from Graphicxell - (etthx)

Minthe - Serif
Minthe - Serif Minthe - Serif Minthe - Serif

Introducing Minthe  - Stylish Display Serif inspired by the famous minimalist logo perfect for the purposes of designing templates, brochures, videos, advertising branding, logos and more.

What's Included :

+ Minthe (OTF/TTF)
+ Standard glyphs
+ Web Font
+ Ligatures
+ International Accent
+ Works on PC & Mac
+ Simple installations

Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.
PUA Encoded Characters - Fully accessible without additional design software.
Fonts include multilingual support

Image used : All photographs/pictures/vector used in the preview are not included, they are intended for illustration purpose only.

Thank You

Hello Yasmin fonts from Stripes Studio - (znnkk)

Hello Yasmin
Hello Yasmin Hello YasminHello Yasmin

Hi, Introducing the latest styles Hello Yasmin Script with the kind of modern hand scratches, I hope you are interested in this font, if you want to use for your work this font can be used easily and simply because there are a lot of features in it to contain a complete set of letters lower and uppercase letters, assorted punctuation, numbers, and multilingual support. font also contains several ligatures and alternate style Stylistic.